Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Today in the Life

Wake. Between 4 am and 8 am.  Make coffee, hot water for tea.  Feed our cat (new house cat, found nearly dead outside.  Spencer Allistair O'Malley of Kensington III).  Prayer.  8 am.  Small talk.  Work. 9:30 am. Nursing and diapers in-between.  Handwash diapers.  Mike works cleaning our neighborhood with guests.  Answer emails.  Keep Naomi from crying while I answer my work emails.  1 pm. Lunch.  2 pm.  Mike doing daily needs and maintenance stuff.  Exact tasks and duties.  3 pm. Last cup of coffee.  Tell the kids that we won't be done with work until after 5 pm.  Kids come back at 4 pm.  Tell them again.  Kids come back intermittently.  5 pm.  Work ends (sort of).  Kids come back.  Roommates get home.  Hang out with kids and roommates.  Dinner at 6 or 7 pm.  Talk.  Send kids home.  Check emails throughout the evening.  Adult and Family time.  Go to room at 9 pm.  Family time.  Writing, yoga, reading, music etc.  Make Naomi laugh, giggle and play.  And much much more in-between.  Food distribution, keeping the peace, making new friends, addressing daily neighborhood happenings etc. etc. etc.

Today in our lives.  This is how we live.  It's not the same as all the rest, but discipline and scheduling keeps it sane.  Love is life.  Life is love.  Happiness is beauty.  A clean-conscious is joy.

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